Summer Book Club.

Life is busy. We work, we cook, we clean – and for those of us with pets, we clean a lot – and there never seems to be any spare time for thinking. And I don’t mean “thinking” as in thinking about which instagram filter to use or thinking about what to cook for dinner. I mean really thinking — about life, love, hopes, fears, etc. It’s the kind of thinking that makes us human. It’s also the kind of thinking that takes our language abilities to the next level.

This summer, Lincoln Academy is offering a unique experience: Summer Book Club.  As a group, we will explore a variety of English texts – everything from short stories to novels and even scripts – each hand-picked to expand your English abilities and inspire meaningful thought and animated in-class discussion. Our hope is that this experience can be an opportunity for all of us to sit (in air conditioning) and think together. Learn more about this Summer Book Club’s theme here.

As this iteration of Summer Book Club is a pilot program, your participation in it would be completely free as we work to hone the course and make it as meaningful as possible for future groups.

Interested? Want more information? Sign up below and we’ll be in touch soon to talk more about the details. There are a limited number of spots.


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